Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Studio

In this room,
Life plumbs for life,
To the depths of life,
And solitude is honored in mutuality.

Here, In this room,
I am

Vibrant with exuberant expectation.
Every cell inhaling-exhaling Self-expression.

Copyright 2005, J. K. Miller

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

An African Prayer Book

For a deeply moving and eye-opening experience, read An African Prayer Book: Selected and with Introductions by Desmond Tutu, published by Doubleday. Here is a sample entry:

Prayer of a Dying Man

And though I behold a man hate me,
I will love him.
O God, Father, help me, Father!
O God, Creator, help me, Father!
And even though I behold a man hate me,
I will love him.
                                           -- Dinka, Sudan